LINDA CASSIO Owner/Founder at Nomah Project
Inspired by the Artisans hands
Nomah Project was inspired by my travels to my native country of Mexico where I discovered and fell in love with the amazing craftsmanship of the local artisans. I was so inspired that I decided to seek out more countries in Latin America that like Mexico have native communities that create beautiful naturally sourced and handmade goods.
Nomah which means "my hand" in Nahuatl is my venture to create, promote and support Artisanal goods across Latin America.
100% Handmade
At Nomah Project we create the highest quality of handmade goods. We believe that every product should tell a story through the craftsmanship that is presented by creations of such communities.
Giving Back
Nomah Project gives back to the indigenous communities from which our products are sourced.